Monday 15 June 2009

Medicinal Use Of Honey

Honey is a solid liquid that tastes naturally sweet and is produced by a small insect called Bee.It has nutritional advantage over processed sugar.Honey is an excellent source of potassium and that's why bacteria cannot survive in honey.and potassium withdraws from the bacteria the moisture which is essential to their existence thereby killing them.

For Bee to produce just a ten spoonful of would have to suck different flowers fluids million times.

Honey contains essential minerals such as Iron,copper,Magnesium,silicon,Chlorine,and calcium which are derived from the soil in which the plants grow.These minerals are then passed through the plants to the nectar which is the base substance used by Bees to make honey.It is an excellent source of vitamin.The pollen of many flowers contain essential ingredients that almost any fruits or vegetables.This is because fruits and vegetable lose their vitamin content to a remarkable degree during storage while good honey retains it's quality no matter how long it is stored.

Components Of Natural honey
Honey has a lot of natural components that makes it unique from any other sugary substance viz:
Minerals:copper,manganese,zinc,chromium,nickel,iodine,phosphorus,silver,sulphur,magnesium,iron,calcium,potassium and sodium.

Carbohydrate:fructose,amitace,protease,glucose,maltose and so on.

Acids:Lactic acid,frolic acid,citric acid,nicotine acid and so on.

Vitamins:A,B2,B3,B5,B12,C,D3,E,K and it also contains protein ,fat and oil.

Get more on the wonder of honey,garlic and vinegar.

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